Yagmur Yigit

Yagmur Yigit

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

Has achieved "NLP Practitioner, IN" at NLP Academy Turkey by Taşkın Köksalan.

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Hi! I am Yagmur. I am a certified practitioner of NLP(Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Mindset Coach. As a brief, NLP is a developed model and methodology related to the functioning of the mind. Neuro-Linguistic Programming uses specific techniques to empower you to change your thoughts and actions more easily when working with both the unconscious and conscious minds.

The main thing I concentrate on during my coaching sessions is the process. Natural acceptance of some of your beliefs and value systems to the people you communicate with requires them to come up with solutions in the most helpful way in this flow. People's problems often have nothing to do with the content; People's issues are more about structuring the way they organize their experiences. Instead of examining the content, I aim to maximize my clients' benefits by understanding how the process works. The question is how you can out of autopilot and change this? 

If a person wants to reach a different state than the current state, I go down to one's world model and work on one's limited beliefs, faith-value conflicts, lack of motivation, and a lack of purpose determination. I use coaching tools and the NLP's extensive technology to change what needs to change. External change begins with internal change.

If you would like to learn more about my coaching service, click here.



Coach Yagmur,

My experience about "NLP Practitioner, IN"

After I took my bachelor's degree in International Relations, I've decided to combine my skills and experiences and become a certified NLP practitioner of the art and science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to work with difficult emotions. I started to help my clients work on their mindset by using NLP techniques. Learning NLP tools has transformed and changed my life in many aspects.

First, I learned to transform some behavioural patterns that I couldn't control before. During that period, personal growth tools, reprogramming the subconscious mind, reframing, anchor technics and mindfulness practices are deeply affected my life to deal with several negative beliefs in the past. Since I learned and implemented NLP tools into my life, I have started to live my authentic personality. And with all my teachings and experiences, I appreciate contributing to my clients on their journey.
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