Laure Renel

Laure Renel

"NLP Trainer, IN"

  • Member since May 31, 2022
  • Country France

"NLP Trainer, IN"

Has achieved "NLP Trainer, IN" at Psynapse by Philippe Vernois.

"NLP Master, IN"

Has achieved "NLP Master, IN" at Psynapse by Jean-Charles Caustier.

"NLP Practitioner, IN"

Has achieved "NLP Practitioner, IN" at Psynapse by Philippe Vernois.

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My experience about "NLP Master, IN"

J’utilise la PNL et l’hypnose en cabinet dans ma pratique clinique de médecine Acupuncturale comme approche de changement, ainsi que dans mes rôles et fonctions de directrice pédagogique des écoles de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise où j’enseigne en présentiel et en E-Learning. Ces outils me permettent notamment de développer des approches et pratiques différentes, écologiques et durables.

I use NLP and hypnosis in my clinical practice of Acupunctural medicine as an approach to change as well as in my roles and functions as pedagogical director of the schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine where I teach in face-to-face and E-Learning. These tools allow me to develop different approaches and practices, ecological and sustainable.
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