Mindfulness Trainings from Darko in Serbia
Read moreMindfulness is your peace
Read moreI will have a free webinar on January 20, 2024 at 5pm CET: "The Magic Powers of Mindfulness for Moments of Happiness and Beginners Mind"
Language: English
Welcome to the free webinar at the World Mindfulness Congress 2023, where you will join me on the path to improve your mental well-being and inner peace.
What you can expect: In this dynamic and interactive webinar, I will share with you my deep personal experience in the field of mindfulness, so that you can gain practical skills to quickly release stress and negative thoughts. This is not just a theoretical approach, but you will immediately be able to apply these techniques in your daily life.
We will have multiple areas to cover in the webinar:
*Understanding Mindfulness
*Releasing stress in the moment
*The Power of the Beginner's Mind
*Transforming your relationship to thoughts
This webinar is designed to give you a deep understanding and practical techniques for applying mindfulness in the real world. Together, we will create place for growth, calm and personal development.
Sign up here:
Na Svetskom Mindfulness kongresu imao sam temu na srpskom
"Kreiraj svoj mir uz svesnost"
U ovom dinamičnom i interaktivnom vebinaru, podelio sam sa vama moje duboko lično iskustvo u oblasti mindfulness-a, kako biste stekli praktične veštine za brzo otpuštanje stresa i negativnih misli. Ovo nije samo teorijski pristup, već demonstracija kako primeniti ove tehnike u vašem svakodnevnom životu.
Na vebinaru sam obradio više oblasasti:
*Razumevanje Mindfulness-a
*Otpuštanje stresa u trenutku
*Moć početničkog uma
*Transformacija vašeg odnosa prema mislima
Možete se pogledati snimak na You Tube kanalu u svakom trenutku kada to poželite:
Ovaj vebinar je dizajniran da vam pruži duboko razumevanje i praktične tehnike za primenu mindfulness-a u stvarnom svetu.