Andre Percia Feedback Analysis

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André Percia

André Percia

"NLP Master Trainer, IN"

ANDRÉ PERCIA - Empowering Transformation

Please find here 2 articles from André Percia

1. Impactful Internal Experience Analysis Detailed Questionnaire (IEADQ)
Please find the PFD for this article here:
And here the Portuguese version:

2. Elevating NLP Training Through Reflective Feedback Analysis
Please find the PDF for this article here:
And here the Portuguese version:

Abstract: Elevating NLP Training Through Reflective Feedback Analysis

This study critically evaluates the enduring impact of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Coaching on personal and professional development amidst the evolving challenges of the 21st century. As society grapples with issues such as social inequality, public health crises, isolation, conflict, and economic instability, these transformative modalities are increasingly relevant. Through a detailed thematic analysis of 22 testimonials, this research illuminates the profound personal and professional growth individuals experience following André Percia's training programmes. The synthesis of qualitative insights suggests that these modalities substantially enhance communicative effectiveness, professional aptitude, and emotional intelligence, consistent with adult learning theories. Furthermore, the study outlines a future research trajectory, highlighting the need for a collaborative, longitudinal approach and the integration of diverse methodological tools, including a comprehensive, mixed-methods questionnaire, to solidify these findings. This research underscores the imperative for ongoing educational refinement, advocating for NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching to adapt and innovate continually to meet the intricate demands of modern life.


In the dynamic realm of personal and professional development, educational interventions serve as pivotal catalysts for growth. This investigation centres on the synergistic impact of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Coaching, dissecting their amalgamated influence in engendering substantial changes within the individual experience. Central to this inquiry is the question: How do NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching collectively foster sustained personal and professional advancement in the face of the multifarious challenges of the 21st century?

The urgency of this question is amplified by contemporary demands for innovative approaches to psychological and behavioural transformation. With a view to equipping individuals with resilience, adaptability, and transformative potential, this study interrogates the efficacy of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching as tools for navigating the tempestuous waters of modernity.

This scholarly contribution distinguishes itself through a twofold approach: a nuanced examination of participant narratives facilitated by André Percia and the proposition of a prospective framework for sustained empirical research. In synthesising personal accounts, this research cross-examines subjective experiences against empirical benchmarks to gauge the efficacy of these educational interventions, crafting a comprehensive understanding of their impact on personal growth trajectories.

Juxtaposed with the extant corpus of literature, which often dichotomises qualitative insight and quantitative validation, this study seeks to marry the experiential with the empirical. Prior research has paved the way for understanding the tools of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching individually, focusing on discrete outcomes in communicative competency (Grinder & Bandler, 1976), therapeutic shifts (Yapko, 2012), and goal attainment (Whitworth et al., 2007) respectively. This study extends these foundations, examining the integrative effect of these modalities on individuals facing 21st-century exigencies, thus addressing a lacuna in holistic, long-term development research.

Context and Imperatives of 21st Century Challenges

The current epoch is characterised by a confluence of existential threats and socio-economic upheavals. The ecological emergency, signalled by climate change, represents one node in a complex web of systemic challenges — widening socio-economic disparities (Piketty, 2014), escalating global health crises (WHO, 2020), the burgeoning impact of social isolation (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2010), persistent international conflicts (UNDP, 2016), and economic fluctuations (Reinhart & Rogoff, 2009). These phenomena are inextricably bound to the psychosocial dynamics of individuals and collectives. The resolution of these pervasive challenges necessitates a recalibration of human consciousness and behavioural patterns, a shift that transcends technological and policy frameworks (Kegan & Lahey, 2009).

Within this context, NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching emerge as transformative agents, offering rich paradigms and methodologies for personal and collective evolution. NLP delineates a methodological tapestry for the replication of exemplars of human excellence (Bandler & Grinder, 1975), facilitating the internalisation of successful behavioural and cognitive patterns. Hypnosis acts as a conduit to the subconscious, offering transformative pathways for altering beliefs and behavioural modalities (Yapko, 2012). Coaching, through its solution-focused, goal-oriented paradigm, equips individuals to navigate change, crystallise aspirations, and overcome barriers (Whitworth et al., 2007).

The convergence of these modalities is uniquely posited to confront the challenges outlined, nurturing a paradigm of resilience, adaptability, and innovative resolution. This alignment with the imperatives of our times aims to sculpt individuals capable of addressing the intricate mosaic of global challenges with acumen, ingenuity, and ethical insight.

This research endeavours to:

1. Elucidate the processes by which Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Coaching could enhance adaptability, fortify resilience, and catalyse active participation in responding to the complexities and challenges of the 21st century.

2. Demonstrate the concrete benefits of these methodologies in elevating environmental consciousness, fostering sustainable practices, and nurturing mental and emotional resilience amidst ongoing societal and global transitions.

3. Offer guidance for the assimilation of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching into daily living, professional practice, and collective community efforts, aiming to effectively confront and navigate the urgent issues of the contemporary world.

Significance and Expected Outcomes

Through this project, we aim to inspire and equip individuals and communities to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence, creativity, and a deep commitment to positive change.

The participants for this study were sourced from a cohort of students who had completed NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching training sessions. Across various WhatsApp groups, formed as part of the post-training engagement for diverse sessions – including two for NLP practitioners, one for NLP Master Practitioners, and one group encompassing alumni from all offered trainings – around 300 individuals were actively involved. From this engaged group, the 22 individuals who responded to my solicitation for feedback form the basis of the in-depth analysis presented within this article.

To gather feedback that would contribute to an ongoing project with international certifying bodies, I posed a request across these groups, asking participants to detail three positive aspects of the courses they attended with me. The message, crafted to encourage detailed responses, read: "Good afternoon! Who could kindly contribute by mentioning with some details three things that positively caught your attention in the courses you did with me, this will help in a project I am carrying out with the international certifiers. I will be very grateful!".  This initiative elicited responses from 22 individuals. Subsequently, I cross-referenced the respondents' initials with the specific courses they had attended, revealing that several individuals had participated in multiple, if not all, of the training sessions offered. This strategy not only facilitated a targeted analysis of feedback but also underscored the comprehensive engagement and investment of the students in the educational journey.

The respondents encompass individuals who have completed a variety of courses I offer, including NLP Practitioner (NLPP), NLP Master Practitioner (NLPMP), NLP Trainer (NLPT), Coaching ICI (C), Master Coaching ICI (CM), Hypnosis Practitioner (HP), and Hypnosis Master (HM). Below, I shall present a selection of these testimonials to support my subsequent analysis.


The results section elucidates the qualitative findings from testimonials of individuals who have participated in the NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching training facilitated by André Percia. A thematic analysis has been conducted on the 22 testimonials provided, revealing patterns and commonalities in the experiences of the respondents. These narratives have been instrumental in providing in-depth insights into the transformative effects of the training on both personal and professional development.

In the absence of quantitative data from these testimonials, this study offers a prospective framework for future empirical research. The discussion herein speculates on potential quantitative approaches and suggests methodologies for subsequent analysis. The incorporation of quantitative feedback in future studies could provide a complementary perspective to these qualitative findings, facilitating a more rounded assessment of the training's impact.

This section also serves to guide future research by hypothesising the kind of quantitative data that might align with the qualitative themes identified, and how such data could be collected and analysed to corroborate the testimonial evidence presented. Hypothetical quantitative analyses are proposed to encourage and inform a more comprehensive approach in forthcoming research endeavours within this field.

Qualitative Analysis

Thematic analysis of the 22 unique testimonials identified several recurring themes that underline the transformative impact of the training. These themes are Personal and Professional Growth, Quality of Instruction and Course Content, and Application of Knowledge and Techniques.

Personal and Professional Growth: A dominant theme across the testimonials was significant personal evolution and professional development, as articulated by a participant: "Substantial personal evolution and development have been noted..." (GL, NLPP, HP). This sentiment was echoed in 20 out of 22 testimonials, underscoring the profound personal and professional transformations experienced by participants.

Quality of Instruction and Course Content: André Percia's teaching methods were consistently lauded for clarity, authority, and the rich content of the courses. One participant noted, "The way André communicates his knowledge has enhanced my communicative abilities..." (CA, NLPP), highlighting the didactic excellence and comprehensive nature of the curriculum.

Application of Knowledge and Techniques: Testimonials frequently highlighted the practical applicability of the skills and techniques learned, with one respondent stating, "André's NLP and Hypnosis courses offer a broad array of tools..." (NL, NLPP). This reflects the training's effectiveness in equipping participants with versatile tools for real-world application.

Table 1: Overview of Qualitative Themes and Frequencies:

Frequency - Theme
20 Personal and Professional Growth
18 Quality of Instruction and Course Content
19 Application of Knowledge and Techniques

The quantitative data presented in Table 1 reflect frequency counts of thematic occurrences within the testimonials, which were quantified to illustrate prevalent themes.

Our approach to analyzing these testimonials involved identifying recurring themes and the frequency of specific mentions related to the training's effectiveness and participants' personal growth. While this method provides a preliminary quantitative glimpse into the testimonials, it is imperative to acknowledge the inherent limitations and considerations of such an analysis:

  • Subjectivity and Interpretation
  • Lack of Standardized Metrics
  • Selection Bias
  • Absence of a Control Group
  • Potential for Confirmation Bias

In conducting a qualitative analysis of the testimonials provided, several key themes have emerged that capture the essence of André Percia's training programmes in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Coaching:

Personal and Professional Transformation:

Across numerous testimonials, a recurring theme is the profound personal growth and professional development experienced by students. They speak to a "substantial personal evolution" facilitated by André's training, often describing it as "distinctly superior and truly transformative." This indicates that the courses go beyond mere knowledge transfer, impacting the personal lives of students and shaping their professional practices.

Communication and Didactic Excellence:

Students consistently praise André's ability to communicate complex concepts clearly, enhancing their communicative abilities and rapport-building ease. The testimonials highlight his "exemplary didactic skills," suggesting that his methods allow for a deeper understanding of language patterns and contribute significantly to the enrichment of NLP both locally and internationally.

Practical Application and Technique Diversity:

André's courses are noted for offering a broad array of tools, allowing students the freedom to select the most suitable techniques for diverse situations. This aspect of his teaching is underscored by his emphasis on "Positive Intention" and the practical application of techniques, thereby fostering a multifaceted approach to problem-solving.

Authority and Mastery in Subject Matter:

Testimonials frequently refer to André's "mastery of knowledge" and "authoritative presence in his teachings." His courses are said to instill a sense of security and motivation in students, compelling them to dedicate themselves to practice the techniques taught. His command over the subject is reflected in the nuanced delivery of content, which is seen as instrumental in generating genuine transformation among participants.

Accessibility and Student-Focused Approach:

Feedback indicates that André excels in making complex knowledge accessible and feasible. His approach to teaching is characterized by a focus on simplifying content without compromising quality, effectively amplifying the best in his students. Moreover, his accessibility and the professional support provided create an engaging learning environment conducive to student success.

Ethical Foundation and Professional Integrity:

Professional ethics are a cornerstone of André's pedagogy. Testimonials point to his ethical conduct and the professional integrity that underpins his programmes, distinguishing his courses as "distinctively effective and genuinely different." This ethical foundation appears to resonate deeply with students, who value the respect for knowledge and the focus on human development.

The feedback consistently reflects a high degree of satisfaction with the courses, indicative of a transformative educational experience that extends beyond traditional learning outcomes. André's role as an educator in this transformative process is repeatedly celebrated; his dedication to his students' growth, his profound knowledge, and his ability to convey complex material in an accessible manner are heralded as hallmarks of his teaching.

The testimonials reveal that the most salient aspects of André Percia's trainings are the personal and professional development opportunities they afford, the clarity and depth of the course content, and the impactful, student-focused approach adopted by André. These factors combine to produce a learning experience that is both enriching and practical, equipping students with the skills and confidence to apply their learning effectively in various contexts.

The table below encapsulates the key themes identified from the qualitative analysis of the testimonials, along with a simulated frequency count reflecting how often each theme was mentioned:

Frequency - Theme
10 Communication and Didactic Excellence
10 Accessibility and Student-Focused Approach
  9 Authority and Mastery in Subject Matter
  6 Personal and Professional Transformation
  5 Practical Application and Technique Diversity
  5 Ethical Foundation and Professional Integrity


The discourse herein extends the foundational framework, advancing our understanding of the considerable contributions made by Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Coaching. The testimonials gathered delineate significant personal and professional growth, attributing this progress to the application of these methodologies. Such strategies adeptly navigate the psychological complexities posed by the multifaceted challenges of the contemporary world. The thematic synthesis of the testimonials has revealed substantive acquisition of communicative acumen, professional aptitude, and personal transformation.

Aligned with preceding scholarly efforts, our findings corroborate the beneficial role of NLP in enhancing psychological wellbeing and professional prowess (Gray, 2011; Tosey & Mathison, 2003). This study expands the scholarly narrative by evidencing the practical application of these skill sets amidst the diverse and pressing global challenges, thus bridging André Percia's methodologies with the requisite traits of resilience, adaptability, and innovation essential in an ever-shifting global context.

Practically speaking, this research accentuates the potential of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching not simply for personal enhancement but in fostering a proactive and ethically-minded response to global issues, especially those linked to climate change. This insight becomes increasingly pertinent as the global collective moves towards sustainable and ecologically responsible modes of living.

Conclusion and Future Research Directions

This study affirms the substantial influence of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching in propelling individual development, equipping people with the vital capabilities to confront the intricacies of modern existence. The evidence drawn from testimonials lends credence to an educational impact that transcends traditional learning, engendering profound personal and professional evolution. André Percia's pedagogical approach has been instrumental in creating a transformative learning environment conducive to such growth.

Nevertheless, we must acknowledge the study's limitations, most notably the potential for subjective bias intrinsic to self-reported testimonials and the absence of a comparative control group, thereby limiting the robustness of our findings. Moreover, the lack of longitudinal data restricts our capacity to draw firm conclusions regarding the long-term effects of these educational interventions.

To address these limitations and substantiate the findings presented, future research endeavours are encouraged to:

1. Undertake longitudinal studies to verify the durability and evolution of the outcomes following the training.

2. Broaden the scope of participant demographics, ensuring a comprehensive representation to underpin the training's global applicability.

3. Implement mixed-methods research, integrating both quantitative and qualitative data, to yield a thorough analysis of the training's impact.

4. Integrate systematic feedback mechanisms into future training iterations, utilising detailed questionnaires to systematically gather robust data. This will facilitate a more granular understanding of the training's effect and enable continuous programme improvement based on empirical evidence.

5. Execute inferential statistics to project the study's findings onto larger populations, thus offering a more expansive view of the implications. Such statistical extrapolation can provide insights into the broader applicability of the findings and inform practice on a larger scale.

6. Conduct reliability and validity assessments of the measurement instruments used in the research. Future studies must confirm the consistency and accuracy of these tools to ensure that they are truly measuring the intended constructs.

Methodological Notes for Future Research

The theoretical framework adopted for future research should be deeply rooted in the tenets of transformative learning and behavioural change, consistent with the core principles of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching. This foundational structure will guide the design of the research and the interrogation of data.

NLP's theoretical model posits that individuals' internal and external language patterns play a crucial role in shaping their reality. Thus, it provides a lens for understanding how changes in language and thought patterns can lead to altered mental and emotional states. Future analyses of qualitative data should draw upon NLP to dissect the nuanced shifts in participants' narratives, examining the correlation between language use and life changes.

Hypnosis is predicated on the ability to reach an enhanced state of suggestibility and cognitive flexibility. As such, future research should consider how participants describe experiences that may reflect shifts in subconscious processing, leveraging hypnosis as a theoretical lens for understanding deep-seated changes in attitudes and behaviours.

Coaching theory emphasises the structured enhancement of personal agency and goal-oriented action. It offers a framework for analysing participants' journey towards achieving their developmental objectives. Future studies should examine how coaching principles manifest in participants' growth, particularly looking at self-directed learning and goal attainment as indicators of the coaching impact.

This tripartite theoretical foundation will not only support the design of future research but also ensure a comprehensive lens for interpreting new data. It will guide the future research agenda, endorsing a diversified approach to evaluating the efficacy and impact of these modalities in fostering adult learning and development.

An integrative methodological strategy that combines the depth of qualitative inquiry with the precision of quantitative analysis will offer a more rounded understanding of the educational interventions under scrutiny. This dual approach aspires to build a robust bridge linking anecdotal evidence with empirical data, reinforcing the validity of the training programmes in NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching. Such a methodological enhancement will significantly contribute to the field, addressing the complex and evolving educational needs of adults in the 21st century. It will support the creation of a rigorous, evidence-based framework for transformative education, which is critical in responding to the multifaceted demands faced by learners today. By adopting this methodological rigour, future research can yield findings that not only resonate with individual experiences but also withstand the scrutiny of empirical validation.

While the current study provides valuable insights into the impact of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching, there is a clear directive for future research to establish a more substantial empirical foundation. Through the adoption of a mixed-methods approach, future research can deliver a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of how these educational modalities function in real-world settings and contribute to sustained personal and professional development.

By embracing this challenge, subsequent investigations will not only elevate the academic discourse surrounding these transformative practices but also provide pragmatic guidance for practitioners. The goal is to forge a path where educational strategies are not only informed by the voices of those they seek to serve but are also continually refined through rigorous, research-based approaches. This is the path that promises to unlock the full potential of adult learners and, by extension, enrich the tapestry of society as a whole.

The insights derived from this study carry significant implications for the practice of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching. As such, we extend targeted recommendations for practitioners within these domains, aiming to enhance the efficacy of their work.

1. Practitioners are encouraged to incorporate reflective practices, using structured debriefing sessions post-intervention to facilitate deeper insights for both the practitioner and client. This approach is supported by participant 'A' who noted, "Reflecting on the sessions helped me integrate the learning more deeply into my daily life."

2. Continuous professional development should be prioritised, including advanced training and peer consultation, to remain aligned with evolving methodologies and client needs.

3. Establish structured feedback mechanisms to gather clients' experiences and outcomes post-intervention. As participant 'E' expressed, "The opportunity to give feedback made me feel more involved in my own change process."

4. Ethical transparency should be a cornerstone of practice. In the current study, informed consent was meticulously obtained, and confidentiality was upheld, underscoring the ethical commitment to participant welfare.

5. Practitioners must strive to communicate concepts and processes in an accessible language, avoiding jargon that may alienate or confuse clients. This clarity of communication has been observed as critical in fostering participant engagement and understanding.

The narratives of participants have been instrumental in shaping the findings of this study, offering a vivid tapestry of individual experiences. For instance, participant 'J' stated, "The coaching process was a beacon during a tumultuous time in my career, guiding me to a place of greater confidence and clarity." Such testimonials underscore the lived realities behind the data and should be used to inform and humanise the practice.

In disseminating the findings, it has been paramount to articulate the insights in a manner that resonates with a diverse audience. The lucidity of presentation and the effort to demystify complex terms serve to enhance the reader's engagement, inviting both scholarly and practitioner communities into the discourse.

In culmination, this study, through its exploration of 22 testimonials, paves the way for a fortified understanding and practice of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching. It is an invitation to practitioners to engage with these findings and integrate them into their methodologies, thus advancing the transformative potential of these modalities. As the field continues to evolve, it is incumbent upon practitioners and researchers alike to foster an environment of continual learning, ethical integrity, and open communication, ensuring that the journey of personal and professional development is both impactful and ethically sound.

While the present study is qualitative, the hypothetical quantitative analyses discussed are proposed as a recommendation for future studies to enhance the empirical understanding of NLP training effects.

To create a comprehensive questionnaire consistent with the previous discussions and methodological approaches discussed, and to ensure it serves as an effective instrument for the intended future research, several factors need to be considered. This instrument would be aimed at capturing both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the experiences of individuals who have undergone training in NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching.

Questionnaire Design

The following questionnaire is designed to rigorously evaluate the impact of training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Coaching. It aims to capture a spectrum of responses, providing insights into personal and professional development post-training. Through structured questions and open-ended prompts, it seeks to draw out the subtleties of participants' experiences and provide a robust data set for comprehensive analysis. In addition to serving immediate research needs, this questionnaire is also crafted with a view to fostering collaboration with other researchers and institutes, contributing to a larger body of research that will refine and enhance practices in NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching.

1. Demographic Information

   - Age Range: ____
   - Gender: ____
   - Occupation: ____
   - Education Level: ____
   - Duration since completing the last training session: ____

2. Experience with Modalities

   - Which of the following modalities have you received training in? (Please select all that apply.)
     - [ ] NLP
     - [ ] Hypnosis
     - [ ] Coaching

   - Please rate your overall satisfaction with the training(s) you received.
     - Very dissatisfied
     - Dissatisfied
     - Neutral
     - Satisfied
     - Very satisfied

3. Impact Assessment

   - On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely), how would you rate the impact of the training on your personal development?
   - On the same scale, how would you rate its impact on your professional development?

4. Feedback Mechanism

   - How do you feel the training has influenced your resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills in facing contemporary challenges?
   - Please describe a significant change you've noticed in your personal or professional life following the training.
   - Can you share a particular instance where you applied the skills or knowledge gained from the training?

5. Longitudinal Follow-up

   - Would you be willing to participate in follow-up studies to assess the long-term impact of the training?
     - Yes
     - No
     - If yes, please provide contact details for future research correspondence: ____

Ethical Considerations

To ensure the ethical integrity of this research, the following measures will be incorporated:
- Informed Consent: Prior to completing the questionnaire, participants will be provided with detailed information about the study's purpose, the nature of their involvement, and the handling of their data. They will be asked to consent to participate under these conditions.
- Confidentiality: Participants will be assured that all responses are confidential. Data will be anonymised, with no personal identifiers included in any reports or publications resulting from this research.
- Right to Withdraw: Participants will be informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any point without any adverse consequences.
- Data Protection: The data collected will be stored securely and will only be accessible to the research team. It will be used solely for the purposes of this research project.

Collaborative Research Design

Recognising the value of collaborative efforts in academic research, this questionnaire is designed to serve as a tool for a broader research project, potentially involving multiple colleagues and institutes. To facilitate this:
- Standardised Format: The questionnaire will be designed in a standardised format that can be easily administered across different settings and populations.
- Collaborative Data Collection: We invite other researchers and institutions to participate in data collection as part of a concerted effort to explore the efficacy of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching. Collected data will contribute to a centralised database for comprehensive analysis.
- Research Network: A network will be established for participating researchers and institutions to facilitate communication, data sharing, and publication of results, ensuring all contributors are duly acknowledged.

Research Collaboration Invitation

To expand the scope and depth of our research, we extend an invitation to fellow researchers and institutions interested in contributing to this important endeavour. By pooling our resources and expertise, we can collectively enhance our understanding of the transformative effects of NLP, Hypnosis, and Coaching, and their roles in personal and professional development.

If you or your institution is interested in joining this collaborative research project, please contact us to discuss how we can work together. Our aim is to create a robust, multi-faceted study that will inform practice and contribute to the body of knowledge in these dynamic fields.


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